Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Morning Sickness is Sickening

Being sick and pregnant can be a double whammy and I have written about cures for morning sickness revealed in My Pregnancy Article.

While having the strength to handle pregnancy morning sickness may be considered noble and courageous by some, if left for too long, it could have some real ill effects. Too much vomiting can cause dehydration and malnourishment to the mother and the unborn child.

And vomiting is just one way the body responds to changes in the woman’s body. Prolonged sickness causes physical stress as the pregnant mother’s body fights off the sick feeling. Stress can further cause high blood pressure, decreased immune system functioning, and just general well-being.

Women are finding that by understanding more about their bodies and pregnancy, they do not need to suffer from morning sickness as in the past. Prescription medicines are available, as well as natural remedies. But there are also some old techniques around that can help ease the sickness that goes along with pregnancy.

In my personal opinion, morning sickness happens early in pregnancy and indicates the body is going through a change. So to me, I wanted to handle this change before any other changes kicked in. I knew friends who were sick almost every day while they were pregnant, they didn’t enjoy their pregnancy, and their husbands felt helpless.

If you know this is you, do not wait until you get so sick the doctor has to put you on medicine or bed rest. Your family, friends, and co-workers will all be worried about you. You want everyone to experience joy with this new addition to the world.

And morning sickness can make you dizzy and you lose your balance. Being weak from not keeping down food gives you less energy to go to work, do your job, or take care of your family. Now everybody is under stress.

Don’t get it wrong, pregnancy is not making you sick – morning sickness is. But possibly relief is available if you Click Here! You have nothing to lose just by reading more information.

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